Monday, March 21, 2011

As I sit here trying to come up with a clever opening blog post....... here are the current happenings 1810 (our house number) at the moment:
  • the garbage men are outside, and my dogs are going nUts!!
  • Sophia my 18 months old has found a mini flashlight and is insisting on making me say "AHH" for her every 15 seconds.
  • my to-do list for the week...........may turn into a monthly goal.... yuck!
  • we are nearing my 30th birthday.......... enough said.
I have no real idea in mind for this blog, other than to have a space to share the random happenings in my world of Mommyville, Craftyland, Wifehood and Randomland.   That's how we roll here at 1810. 
Just to give you guys an idea of a day here- This is the famous Model- Sophia "Mini Moo." 

Ironically I would call her Moo, after all the formula she would drink. (Pointed out later by my brother that cows don't really drink milk- thank you for that ruined bit of info.... but the name stuck) 
That clown is in front of my FAVORITE boutique in Oklahoma we visited while up enjoying the perks of a family houseboat trip. 

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